TRINIS FLOAT TUBE SERIES Fishing rods – Casting & Spinning
Now well established in France and Europe, float-tube fishing attracts more and more fishermen each year. To practice comfortably it is preferable to use small, generally short rods with a reduced handle in order to offer maximum maneuverability during shooting, animation of lures and fighting.
Build on “offset handle + separate tip” pattern, these two rods have a remarkable action and sensitivity, concentrated on such a short length, both on casting and spinning. The M and MH powers are the most used and will give you the possibility of practicing many techniques. Their backbone power is surprising and will allow you to overcome big fish without fear.
B.P 89 - Z.I. Indar
Rue François Coli
33293 Blanquefort Cedex - France
Phone : +33 (0) 5 56 57 10 10
Tide tables
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