Lures – Topwaters
Category : Stickbait
Specifications : 175 mm (65.5 g)
Depth range : Surface
The active surface fishing enthusiasts will appreciate our stickbait Exopen 175F designed for all those exotic fish or big fish on our coast.
When you have to quickly explore large areas while producing trails of bubbles and sprays of water like a classic popper, pencil popper Exopen the 175F will be the ideal solution. Perfectly balanced to kick in quickly with a well positioned ballast, our pencil can be retrieved steady at medium and high speeds or animated “Walking The Dog”. Built from high density reinforced PU foam the Exopen 175S is provided with an inner stainless steel frame full wire, triple Owner ST56 and reinforced split rings complement equipment. Its versatile size is perfect for roosters fish, kingfish, tuna, yellowtail, etc.